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Improvement of Facial Acne on Skin with 3% Spicule


Journal : Asian journal of beauty and cosmetology

Author : Lee Chang Ha, Choi Bae Seok

Published date : 2016


Purpose: Spicule has the ability to peel off the skin's surface layer and improve acne. Therefore, in this study, we suggest that the microdermabrasion effect of spicule cleanser improves pore keratinization of acne skin and inhibits the proliferation of skin bacteria (Propionibacterium acnes) to improve acne lesion. Methods: There was no history of skin disease or allergy. Currently, 14 people were included in this study. Seven men and women were exposed to acne, pustules, pustules and nodules. We used the Korean Acne Grading System (KAGS) to evaluate acne and classify acne lesions every week. We conducted a questionnaire evaluation to evaluate the satisfaction and efficacy of clinical participants. The survey was analyzed using the analysis program of IBM SPSS 22.0. Results: The number of cysts, pustules and cysts decreased after 3 weeks in all 14 clinicians participating, and the acne grade improved significantly after 7 weeks. In particular, 78.5% of pores, 71.4% of acne and 95.7% of acne scars were improved. The longer the study period, the better the acne lesion was. Thus, it has been found that the microdermabrasion effect of a spicule cleanser improves the pore keratinization of acne skin and inhibits the proliferation of skin bacteria (Propionibacterium acnes). Conclusion: As a result of KAGS analysis, the longer the treatment period, the better the acne lesion was. The spicule cleanser did not have a significant effect on gender or age. In addition, it was confirmed that it is effective for all four major diseases of acne: sebum secretion, pore keratinization, inflammation reaction, pustule and nodule.

조회수 20회댓글 0개

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